"According to the Wall Street Journal, the CFA® exam is the most difficult exam in the world" - https://erudera.com/resources/top-toughest-exams-in-the-world/

Just google it, the CFA® accreditation consistently comes up in most top 10 lists, frequently compared to the NY or California state bar exams. This is not supposed to be some kind of "flex". I am not endorsing the CFA® Institute or exaggerating the skill-set of one who holds a Chartered Financial Analyst® designation (nor myself).

The following contains a collection of notes that I put together for each level of the CFA® curriculum. A large portion of the content included within the notes have been obtained from either the CFA® curriculum directly, or through Kaplan Scheswer CFA® study packages of various years.

I would not like to take any credit for producing the content within these notes, nor would I like to profit from them in any way.